Are you regularly experiencing…

voice hoarseness?
bad breath (especially upon awakening)?
frequent throat clearing?
excessive phlegm or saliva, especially in the back of the throat?
difficulty swallowing food, liquids or tablets?
coughing after eating or lying down?
breathing difficulties (such as asthma-like wheezing) ?
dry cough?
“Acid rain from the stomach“…

Reaching for antacids a lot lately? ..Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can significantly impact your voice. GERD is increasingly named as a culprit in voice disorders. One study found GERD to be a problem in more than three-quarters (78%) of patients with hoarseness and 50% of all patients with voice troubles.. The problem arises when stomach acids travel back up through the esophagus and then irritate the tissue in the back of the throat and larynx. Stomach reflux also can indirectly cause voice problems: sufferers sometimes cough or clear the throat frequently, which may harm tissues of the larynx. Others with this condition tend to use excess muscle tension when they speak (in response to the altered feeling in the larynx).

Many people associate this condition with heartburn. In reality, however, only about half of all stomach reflux disease sufferers have heartburn symptoms.

There are three basic approaches to tackling stomach reflux: diet and lifestyle changes; medication; or surgery.. so here are a few tips to help you through it.

Self-management tips:

Don’t eat or drink anything but water within three hours of bedtime;
Don’t overeat;
Don’t recline after meals;
Avoid fried foods, coffee, tea, chocolate, mints and soda;
Elevate the head of your bed 4-6 inches or sleep on a wedge-shaped pillow;
Don’t wear tight-fitting clothes or belts;
Stop smoking

I am hope this is helpful.. let me know.. drop me a mail or email me at [email protected]. Enjoy your week!